So yesterday we visited Oulu again and this puddle among other things, but his puddle seemed to be the most exciting thing of all if you don't count seeing Rolle again. Rolle just had a sore nail and his paw was all wrapped up so we couldn't once again let them play together. Esa was holding Foxy on his lap during all the time and she though it most tiresome and she was yawning all the time - not because she was tired though.. Afterwards we went for a little walk in the rain and she found this pool of water in a parking lot nearby. These photos are from there. Foxy hasn't yet really swam but she shows no fear for water and loves to dive :)

And then she ended up looking like a wet rat. I think we let her swim a little too long, because today she hasn't eat well, only one meal now in the night and she's shivering. I put her a hot water bottle next to her and Sami-bear... :)