Tästä linkistä pitää ihan mainita erikseen, sillä kyseessä on Foxyn veli Åsku ja sen tyttökaveri Uhma. :)

I added a link to a new blog which is about Foxy's brother Åsku and his girlfriend Uhma. :) My apologies for not updating in english... I have been busy with the move and all these dog shows we've been to. ;) We have settled down well in our new home, the dogs love it and we just relax. The red house in the pictures and videos below are of our new home. It's on rental, so we do not own it, at least not yet. Our landlord keeps her horse here, I've actually gotten to ride with it once, it was wonderful!! First time after 15 years and I didn't fall! :D

Dog shows have given us even 1 (red ribbon) everytime and quite nice critique (except last time). We have yet 2 dog shows this summer, in Ylivieska and Tornio and then a long pause until the PRT special show in October. I have been planning to trim Foxy naked (well, nearly) after Tornio dog show and hope she will grow thicker coat on her ribs.

(Esa does have some hopes for summer vacation too, so maybe, just maybe Tornio won't be the last...)